The City of Otsego takes great pride in our customer service and response to developmental requests. Whether it is a resident seeking a simple building permit for a small addition or a large property developer looking to invest multi-million dollars into a City project; you will find our staff eager to please, knowledgeable and friendly.
If you are planning a development within the City of Otsego or simply have questions, the first place to start is with the Economic Developer.
Below are the contacts you will need for all development permits or questions:
Dave Rayman
Economic Developer
(269) 694-6146
Bret Reitkerk, PCI
Building Inspector
(616) 877-2000 x408
Aaron Mitchell
Zoning Administrator
(269) 694-6146
Planning Commission Meetings
Planning Commission meetings are held on the 4th Monday of every month at City Hall.
Zoning Applications
Below are links to all zoning applications: